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Logo Maker & Logo Creator

Logo Foundry is a professional logo design suite that lets you create powerful branding for your business in a matter of Minutes!

Featured On:

- Product Hunt ( #1 in Tech - March 14th)
- The Next Web - "This simple new app can help you create a logo for your startup in minutes"
- Launch Ticker - "Logo Foundry provides 3k symbols, icons & shapes for simplified logo design."
- Design Taxi - "A Simple New App That Lets You Design A Logo For Your Startup In Minutes"

Logo Foundry - Logo Maker & Logo Creator is designed with ease of use in mind and hence can be used by both professional designers and people without prior design experience to create custom, creative and beautiful looking logos in a matter of minutes.

Logo Foundry - Logo Maker & Logo Creator has a great collection of in-built tools that let's you create professional looking logos.

- 3000+ Symbols, Shapes & Icons categorised by Industry
- Easy search function that lets you search for symbols by keywords
- Advanced text editing tools that let's you create beautiful typography for the logo
- Support for advanced text layouts such as Circular Text & Wavy Text
- Professional layer management functions that let's you work on logos at ease
- Export to Transparent PNG or Flat JPG files
- Ability to Save, Restore and Reuse logo templates along with their layers

Whatever branding you want to create - may it be a logo, sticker or label, Logo Maker & Logo Creator would allow you to create one at ease.


Important: Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement / Notification.

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