Gujarat Gaun Seva Pasandgi Mandal (GSSSB) has published Exam Schedule for the post of Supervisor Instructor & Assistant Curator 2019, Check below for more details.
Exam Schedule:
Important: Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement / Notification.
Exam Schedule:
- Supervisor Instructor (Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Group): 07-07-2019
- Supervisor Instructor (Information Technology Group): 07-07-2019
- Supervisor Instructor (Instrumentation Group): 08-07-2019
- Supervisor Instructor (Chemical Group): 09-07-2019
- Supervisor Instructor (Garments Group): 10-07-2019
- Supervisor Instructor (Beauty Culture and Hair Dressing Group): 11-07-2019
- Assistant Curator: 12-07-2019
- Supervisor Instructor (Automobile Group): 14-07-2019
- Supervisor Instructor (Civil Construction and Infrastructure Group): 14-07-2019
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