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Maa Yojna Hospitals Yadi -PDF File

Maa Yojna Hospitals Yadi -PDF File

Maa Yojna Hospitals Yadi -PDF File
Chief Minister Amarnath Yojana has been implemented by the Government of Gujarat for the living families living under the poverty line of urban and rural areas of all the districts of the state. By increasing the expansion of the Chief Minister's "Maa" scheme, the Chief Minister, Shri Amritam, by the state government, "Vaastasalya Yojana Rs. It has been implemented for middle class families having a family income of less than 3 lakhs or less.Maa Yojna Hospitals Yadi -PDF File

Under the scheme, family planning for severe diseases such as heart, kidney, cancer, severe diseases of newborn infants, severe injuries, burns and brain diseases is Rs. Casesless treatments are available for up to 3 lakhs. Under the scheme, the cost of treatment of beneficiary family is given directly by the government to the approved hospital. BPL to get benefit under the scheme Beneficiary family "mother" card and Rs. It is mandatory for the beneficiary families having income of 3 lac or less to get a "maa baaasalya" card. Under the scheme, maximum number of beneficiaries haveMaa Yojna Hospitals Yadi -PDF File planned a mobile kiosk to keep the cards available at their residential premises. Under which, on January 26, two mobile vans and 10 kit have been started from the heart of Honorable Nitinbhai Patel. 67,000 cards have been distributed in the district by registering a total of 1,76,000 families. In view of the popularity of Maa and Maa Chasalya Yojna, during the current week, mobile registration will be registered in Varanasi, Sakhaa, Chaila, Nav Naga village, in a phased manner. In order to issue a card, eligible beneficiaries are requested to take the necessary documents like ration card, election card and as well as the beneficiary cards.Maa Yojna Hospitals Yadi -PDF File
Sarkari hospital list click here
Private hospital list click here
Ma Yojna paripatra click here

Maa Yojna Hospitals Yadi -PDF File

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