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Know the cost of the works done in your village. In just one minute, no surcharges can now be made

In the past, due to the absence of technology, the funding of the government funded.  But due to the development of technology in today's time, it has greatly benefited.  Today we are going to give you information about a link to a government website ( that will be used to know how much the cost of works done in your village can be found in the same minutes.  Here you can see how much money the Government of India has paid for the construction work of our village.  (This data is completely standard) If you feel an irregularity, you can direct your complaint to the public at the center.

Step 1

Step 2

You can see the report here, how much money has been received from the government till now in your village / village / ward and how much you have done your sarpanch, your board members.  And you can get complete information about how many rupees the government has ta


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