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i Khedut Yojana 2019 In Gujarat i Khedut

Attach these all documents and do signature on it and give it to the Gram Sevak.
At the right corner of the application you will see the Name of the farmer where write the name of the applicant. at the under the row write down your mobile number. The farmers should have to submit all the evidence required for registration in the scheme, it is compulsory. If the farmers didn’t submit the required evidence then your application will be rejected and registration must cancelled How to apply for I Khedut Yojna ???. After applying application for the I Khedut yojna, will be able to buy it from a valid company dealer only. The Gram Sevak has to be deposited application with till date 7 after the online application made. The farmers who have availed subsidy of the equipment, will should not apply for the I Khedut yojna. Otherwise the farmers should be apply in I khedut yojna to the computer. The farmers who want to take that tool they should applying for the I khedut yojna. The Farmers who want more information regarding the I khedut scheme, take visit taluka panchayat khetiwadi branch or Gram Sevak.How to apply for I Khedut Yojna ???

i Khedut Yojana 2019 In Gujarat i Khedut

ikhedut is an web portal started by Agriculture & Co-Operation Department. I khedut is online subsidy process by Government of Gujarat. The Farmers who are interested can easily register on this portal for get benefits of Gujarat Government subsidy at

How to apply for I Khedut Yojna ???

Important: Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement / Notification.

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