documentation for KCC-Kisan Credit Card. Farmers can now take out a KCC-Kisan Credit Card on the basis of only three documents. For this, the certificate for verification of whether the person is taking the first document in three documents is a farmer. For this, the bank will give certificate of taking farmer's farm papers and taking copies of it. Then there will be evidence of another document housing. So it can be ensured that the farmer is a local resident and the affidavit of the third document farmers can prove that the farmer has no loan left over.
Shekhawat further said that these State Governments and Banks have been told that they will construct KCC-Kisan Credit Card by installing camps everywhere in villages in the villages with the help of panchayats. The Modi government has not restricted KCC-Kisan Credit Card and not just for farming but this card is also being issued for agriculture related animal husbandry and fisheries industry. Since both these industries are connected with agriculture, the government is giving loans to the government, if the government is in addition, loans up to two lakh rupees are given. When a loan of three lakh rupees is being given for agriculture.

If you have land to cultivate, you can take a loan without pledging your land. Whose range is up to one lakh rupees. You should also have a landlord on a loan of more than one lakh rupees as well as a bailer. For your information, let's say that the RBI has made a limit of 1.5 lakhs for the guarantee of loan without the RBI, but the bank has not done so yet. But soon the notification of this limit may be announced.
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