Bin Sarkari Anudanit College maate Adhyapak sahayakni bharti mate merit jaher
This year marks the first time that baby clothes and shoes are on the list of eligible trade-in items too. So grab that bag of tiny small onesies from the back of the closet and hand them over for a sweet discount. Donating at least one clothing item will earn you a 25% discount off an in-store clothing purchase through March 18. The best part? You’ll save while helping others — Babies “R”Us has announced they’re working with local charities to find homes for the gently used clothes donations they receive.
Here’s the complete list of everything that’s eligible for trade-in, because no one wants to haul a bouncy seat into the trunk for no reason:
Bin Sarkari Anudanit College maate Adhyapak sahayakni bharti mate merit jaher
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