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This is the reason the number composed on the gas chamber is critical, 98% are uninformed of this.

A gas cylinder or tank is a pressure vessel for storage and containment of gases at above atmospheric pressure. High-pressure gas cylinders are also called bottles. Inside the cylinder the stored contents may be in a state of compressed gas, vapor over liquid, supercritical fluid, or dissolved in a substrate material, depending on the physical characteristics of the contents. A typical gas cylinder design is elongated, standing upright on a flattened bottom end, with the valve and fitting at the top for connecting to the receiving apparatus.
In the United States, "bottled gas" typically refers to liquefied petroleum gas. "Bottled gas" is sometimes used in medical supply, especially for portable oxygen tanks. Packaged industrial gases are frequently called "cylinder gas", though "bottled gas" is sometimes used.
This is the reason the number composed on the gas chamber is critical, 98% are uninformed of this.

The United Kingdom and other parts of Europe more commonly refer to "bottled gas" when discussing any usage whether industrial, medical, or liquefied petroleum. However, in contrast, what the United States calls liquefied petroleum gas is known generically in the United Kingdom as "LPG"; and it may be ordered by using one of several trade names, or specifically as butane or propane depending on the required heat output.



This is the reason the number composed on the gas chamber is critical, 98% are uninformed of this.

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