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Huge schemes of post office: Get Rs. 10 lakhs by paying 100 rupees

Everyone in recent timesThe person who wants to earn money, but who wants to save money for the future, is the only wise person. Today we are going to tell you a post office scheme in which you will be able to become Lakhpati in just a few years. The important thing is that you have to invest only 100 rupees in this scheme. Let us tell you the scheme of this post office
Fund of Rs. 10 lakhs will be done this way: -

1. Under this scheme, you have to invest Rs 100 per day, which means that you will be able to invest 3000 rupees per month and Rs 36 thousand per year.

2. If you invest for five consecutive years, then at the end of the investment, Rs 5 lakh 40 thousand will be accumulated.

3. PPF gets a compounded interest rate of 8% annually, which will be added to your balance.

4. If you get the name interest for 15 years then the total amount will increase by 10 lakh.

5. So you will get an additional amount of 5.5 lakh rupees on your amount.

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