Education News, Current Affairs, G.K., TET/TAT/HTAT Materials, All Exam Result & All Job Updates By JIGAR PRAJAPTI .One Step Ahead In Education....


Everyone thinks the principal runs the school, but he or she also needs someone to handle clerical and administrative work, and that's the role of the school office manager. Generally, a school office manager needs an associate's or bachelor's degree in a business field, and can seek certification to boost their skills and job prospects.
School office managers support the principal by performing daily tasks throughout the school. School office managers can work in an elementary, middle or high school office setting. It is preferred that applicants have an associate's or bachelor's degree in business when seeking a school office manager position. Certification by The International Association of Administrative Professionals (IAAP) can be obtained as well.

Required EducationAssociate's or bachelor's degree in business recommended
Other RequirementsCertification
These facilities covers the children belonging to hilly, scattered, desert and forest preserved area is the rural tribal areas as well as the children of slum areas, deprived groups in million plus cities who could not reach to school due to the distance, traffic problem and the lifestyle or the children of observation and nari saraksan gruh.
The application for the drivers who provide transportation service to Gujarat Government Schools under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA). An authorized driver will be able to access this application and all their trips will be recorded. The driver will take attendance of all students and they can see their earning in the application. They will be tracked and notified in case of over speed and off route driving. SOS Call feature of the App will be helpful in case of emergencies.
Download SSA - Driver app
Download Application Form

Important: Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement / Notification.

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