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To earn a pension of 3000 rupees from April 15, you will be able to apply, Learn rule and conditions Modi government has announced the terms of the Prime Minister Yogi Manthan Yojan ss

This scheme will cover workers in unorganized sector, with lorries, rickshaw drivers, construction workers, garbage makers, bidis, farm laborers, leather workers and so on.

How much should the income
In connection with the mega pension scheme, the income of workers in the unorganized sector should not be more than Rs. 15000. The eligible person should have a savings bank account and a support number.

How much do you have to pay?
With the scheme, the workers joining the age of 18 will have to deposit Rs 55 per month. The government will also contribute the same amount. There will also be an increase in the monthly contribution of people joining the age group. With the scheme, the workers joining the age of 29 will have to pay 100 rupees per month. Under the scheme, till the age of 60 years, the contribution should be made.

If you are involved in this plan and if you are regularly paying and your death for some reason, your wife will be eligible to take this plan forward. But, if you want to get out of it, the total amount filled up to the spouse or husband of the deceased will be returned with interest. If the beneficiary of this scheme is permanently disabled, his wife or husband can continue or come out of the plan. Also, if the beneficiary dies after the pension begins, his wife or husband will be entitled to a pension and it will get 50% of the pension amount.

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