RRB Railway Group D Result 2019: Are you the candidate of Group D? I have been asked by a lot of people that when will the Group D Result be announced. As The exams have been completed successfully, All the candidates who have applied for these posts are now looking for the result. if you are one of them then I think you are also looking for the RRB Group D result 2018.
RRB recruitment notification and apply online link is available in official website. Applicants must have completed prescribed educational qualification and age limit. Selection will be based on written test/ skill test/ interview. Selected candidates will be appointed at anywhere in India. Applications via online mode only will be accepted. No other modes of applications will be accepted. Incomplete applications will be rejected. Contenders have to pay required fee. More details of RRB recruitment vacancy, upcoming notices, syllabus, answer key, merit list, selection list, admit card, result, upcoming notifications and etc. will be uploaded on official website.
RRB Group D Result 2019 Date:
The Answer key has been already released. Now the question is what is the date of the result? All the candidates are continuously searching for it. As per the news publications, I would like to inform you that the result will be released in February 2019. It can take more time because of a lot of applicants. As there are more than 1.5 crore candidates who have given the exam so it is obvious that it will take time to prepare all the results.
RRB group D result 2018-19: The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has decided to declare the result for the group D recruitment exams on February 13, 2019. The result will be uploaded on all official websites including central and regional. Selected candidates will have to appear for the physical endurance test (PET). A final merit list constituting of marks from all the exams will be released based on which recruitment will be granted.
Important: Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement / Notification.