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GSSSB Assistant Social Welfare Officer (Advt. No. 116/2016-17) Final Result

GSSSB Assistant Social Welfare Officer (Advt. No. 116/2016-17) Final Result

The next time you are in your english class and your teacher tells you have a have a paper due on the novel you've just read, don't sweat it. Most teachers won't give you any other homework for the next week or so, in order to give you plenty of time to work on your paper, but my advice is 'don't use that time to work on your paper'. Relax, and work on the homework you have that's due the following day. Remember, you have a week to do the paper for a reason. 

For the rest of the week, while your teacher is having a class discusion on the novel, it's okay to sleep and doze off a little bit. Every day you'll wake up when the bell rings and realize that you only wrote about 3 lines worth of notes and you won't think twice about.

Gujarat Gaun Seva Pasandgi Mandal (GSSSB) Assistant Social Welfare Officer (Advt. No. 116/2016-17) Final Result

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