Stars are the heavenly bodies like the sun that are
extremely hot and have light of their own. Every star is a huge mass of hot
gases and big flames are coming out of it. Stars are made up of vast clouds of
hydrogen gas, some helium and dust. In all the stars (including the sun),
hydrogen atoms are continuously being converted into helium atoms and a large
amount of nuclear energy in the form of heat and light is released during this
process. It is this light which makes a star shine. Thus, a star is a hydrogen
nuclear energy furnace, so big that it holds together by itself.The stars are classified according to their physical characteristics like size, color, brightness and temperature. The star which lies immediately above the earth’s north pole and around which all other stars seem to revolve is called pole star. The Indian name of pole star is a Dhruva Tara. The pole star appears to be stationary in the sky and does not change its position at all.
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