The policeman is a government servant. He plays an important role. He is the guardian of law and order. His work is very useful. He is strong and smart. People are generally afraid of him.He wears a khaki uniform and red cap on his head. He is trained to lead a very hard and disciplined life. He has to go through a rigorous training. He is cool and fearless. He is trained to use the fire arms when he goes for parade in the morning during training period. He guards our home at night. He catches thieves and anti-socials and takes them to the police station. He controls the road traffic. This saves the people from accidents. He helps in finding out black-marketers, hoarders, gamblers, wagon-breakers, etc.Some police men are dishonest and take bribes and fail in their duty. In spite of his hard and disciplined life, he is found indulging in corrupt practices.A policeman’s life is always in danger and nobody knows what may happen. He should be well paid to make it worthy of a free society.
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