RRB ALP Result 2018 for First Stage
According to the Railway Recruitment Board (RRB), the RRB ALP result and RRB Technician result 2018 first stage has been released.. First stage Computer Based Test (CBT) was conducted earlier. All candidates are required to visit this page regularly to get latest updates about Railway RRB ALP 2018 Result. All students can check their zone wise result by clicking on the link mentioned below which will be activated one the result has been declared by RRB.
Cut-off for RRB ALP Exam for all the regions have been released. Let's have a look at the State-Wise Cut-Off for Railway ALP Exam 2018.
The posts to be hired are of Track Maintainer, Gateman, Pointsman, Helper in Electrical / Mechanical / Engineering / Signal & Telecommunication departments, Porters and some other posts.
Railway Recruitment Board, RRB will release the admit card for Group D exams shortly. Candidates who will have to appear for November 15, 2018 exams can download their respective admit cards from the official site of RRB at rrb.gov.in, once they are out. The RRB Group D exams will fill up 62,907 posts of Group D staffs across the nation.
Candidates who will appear for RRB Group D exams will have to follow these simple steps to download the respective admit cards.
Railway Recruitment Board, RRB will release the admit card for Group D exams shortly. Candidates who will have to appear for November 15, 2018 exams can download their respective admit cards from the official site of RRB at rrb.gov.in, once they are out. The RRB Group D exams will fill up 62,907 posts of Group D staffs across the nation.
Candidates who will appear for RRB Group D exams will have to follow these simple steps to download the respective admit cards.
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