The Ministry would like to remind all employers that under the Employment Act:
An employee who is required to work on a public holiday is entitled to an extra day’s salary at the basic rate of pay.i b.k holiday 2019
Alternatively, the employer and employee may mutually agree to substitute a public holiday for another working day.
An employer also has the additional option of granting managers and executives, earning up to a basic monthly salary of $4,500, time-off-in-lieu for working on a public holiday. The time off should consist of a mutually agreed number of hours.
For more information on the b.k Public Holiday 2019 provisions under the Employment Act, please refer to the Ministry of Manpower websiteThe public holiday or a national holiday or legel holiday is created by law and is also called a non working day of the year.
Every nation has different types of holidays.There is also differently working days in a year for every country.Every country has different holidays based on their history or laws.In Nepal, It is the highest number of public holidays with 36 days a year.India has generally 21 national holidays with second rank of the world.every sunday is a b.k publical holiday.
This year government has declared public holidays from general Administration of department of Gujarat.There are 21 public holidays in the year 2019.T here are also 4 public holidays which coming on sunday.
In circular,There is a list of optional holidays for government employees.There are 44 optional holidays and also 7 optional holidays which are coming on sunday.To read a circular please click on the below link.
Click Here To Read b.k Holiday 2019
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