complete, but concise, tutorial about mutual funds in a one-page format with sidebars, illustrations, formulas, examples, and clear definitions of basic terms.Mutual Fund CompaniesInvestment AdviserBoard of DirectorsCustodianTypes of Investment CompaniesManagement CompaniesOpen-End Mutual FundsClosed-End Mutual FundsExchange Traded Funds (ETF)Evaluating a Mutual FundProspectusStatement of Additional Information (SAI)FeesNo Load Mutual Fund FeesClasses of Mutual Fund SharesExpense RatioMeasuring Mutual Fund PerformanceInvesting in a Mutual FundBuying Mutual Fund SharesProfiting from a Mutual FundRegulation of Mutual Fund CompaniesWhat to Consider When Buying Mutual Fund SharesNo-Load Funds may have Fees for Purchasing or Selling SharesLower Fees and Expenses Increases Total Returns and Yields; Higher Expenses Lowers ReturnsBeware of Closet Indexers Statement of Additional Information (SAI)New Format for Prospectuses: the Summary Prospectus and the Statutory ProspectusA Mutual Fund's Past Performance is no Indication of its Future Performance Shareholder Fees12b-1 Fees (Shareholder Service Fees)Sales LoadClasses of Mutual Fund SharesSales.
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