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The minimum pension expected to be 7500 rupees

The minimum pension expected to be 7500 rupees

Pensioners under Employee Pension Scheme-95 can get minimum Rs 5,000 monthly in the form of relief for interim relief and it can finally be Rs 7,500.

The organization that is pursuing this matter has said this on the basis of the assurances received from the Labor Ministry.

As per the Employees Provident Fund Organization's Employee Pension Scheme 1995 (EPS-95), the pension is currently monthly at Rs 1,000.

All India EPS-95 Pensioners Conflict Committee said in a statement that a meeting of the Labor Ministry gave the said assurance to the delegation.

The meeting with the representatives was held on December 6, 2017.

According to the organization, the minister assured the committee that the minimum pension will be discussed with the Finance Ministry along with the Prime Minister on his other demands, including monthly payment of 7,500 rupees.

The organization of pensioners had demanded that all 60 lakh pensioners under EPS-95 get minimum monthly pension of Rs 7,500 and Rs 5,000 as interim relief.

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