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Modi government will invest in this scheme, get 7.75% interest

Modi Government has launched Savings Bond. Under this, you can buy bonds for at least Rs.1000. Under this scheme, you have to invest 7 years. You will get 7.75 per cent interest on these bonds. Whatever you invest in this scheme, it will take 9 years to double it.

The Modi government has launched a savings bond scheme. Under this, you can buy bonds for at least Rs.1000. Under this scheme, you have to invest 7 years. You will get 7.75 per cent interest on these bonds. Whatever investment you make in this scheme, it will take 9 years to double it.

The central government has launched this new scheme instead of 8% savings bond scheme . If you want to buy bonds under this scheme, you will be able to do this work from January 10. According to the government, all bonds purchased under this scheme are taxable. This means that you will have to pay tax on earnings from the investment.

According to the central government , if you invest Rs 1000 in this, then after keeping it for seven years, you will get Rs 1703. Explain that there is no maximum investment limit in this scheme. You can buy these bonds from the branches of the authorized bank.

Know it's specialty:

- Every citizen of India, except NRI , can invest in it. The Hindu undivided family can also invest in it.

- The issue price of Bond will be 100 rupees.

- You will have to buy bonds of at least 1000 rupees. If you want to buy more, then you have to buy them at a rate of Rs. 1000.

- All bonds will be issued in Demat form.

- The maximum investment limit is not fixed.

- You will have to pay tax on these bonds under Income Tax, but wealth tax will not be counted on this.

- These bonds will have 7 years of maturity period . You will get 7.75 per cent interest on this.
This interest will be available to you at the half yearly or annual level.

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