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Fill the age of 60 to 210, the whole life will get 5000 pension


In the budget speech of February 2015, Arun Jaitley said, “It is sad that even if our young generation is old, he will not have a pension.” In this, encouraged by the success of the Prime Minister Jan Dhan Yojana and proposed the creation of a universal social security system for Indians. It can be decided that no Indian citizen has to worry about the lack of illness, disaster or old age. Based on the National Pension Scheme, it has been implemented from June 1, 2015, of the Atal Pension Yojana. Depending on this scheme, you can deposit 210 rupees per month, you can get a pension of 5000 rupees for whole life. Learn what the whole process is …

Now the account will open with a new form
From January 1, you will find a new support linking form for the Atal Pension Scheme. Insurance Regulators asked PFRDAApv Service Providers that they would use a new form linking to the subscriber’s account base. It has been necessary to provide a support base in a new form. Let us tell you that the Atal Pension Scheme is a guaranteed pension scheme based on the government’s social security prominence.

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