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You can do this work with the volume button of the phone, you do not even know

You can do this work with the volume button of the phone, you do not even know
With the volume of mobile phone you can do the job with reducing the volume of the phone and increasing it, for which you do not know. You can work on this button to increase the brightness of the phone, flash the lights, sound play an
d pause, turn screen like turn 15 to 16. For that you have to download a free app from Google Play Stall, which is named Button Mapper. It's easy to use. Here we are talking about the complete way to use it.
After installing the App, two to three permissions will be sought. Allow it to open the app
Now the accesibility will have to be done. Tap on go and go to settings and turn on Accesibility
Now select the volume up option by tapping on the volume down option. Whatever option you choose, you can work on it only.
Now let's customize the option. Below the bottom, one tap, double tap, long press will appear three options.
Tap and select any one option. The list will open just after tapping. Select from which you want to work with the Volume button.
If you have selected flashlight then you will press the volume button like this, the lights will be turned on.

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