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M-Aadhaar: Now carry Aadhaar on your mobile

Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), which issues Aadhaar numbers has launched an app called mAadhaar that lets you carry your unique identification profile on your mobile.
Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), which issues Aadhaar numbers has launched an app called mAadhaar
The app will enable people carry their unique identification profile on mobile phones
Currently, the app is only available on Android platform
The app which is available only on the Android platform currently, allows users to not only have their Aadhaar profile on their mobile as a quick and convenient identification proof, it also lets users lock/ unlock their biometric data that's linked to Aadhaar via the app to secure their personal data. Other features include viewing and sharing updated Aadhaar profile via QR (Quick Response) code -- the two-dimensional barcode, and sharing eKYC (electronic Know Your Customer) details with service providers such as telecommunications companies.
mAadhaar can be downloaded from Google Play Store, but you would need a registered Aadhaar-linked mobile number to use the app.
In a disclaimer, UIDAI has said that the app is currently in beta mode which means that users may encounter bugs and issues. Some of the services will only be applicable after subsequent updates, it added. mAadhaar also has a "Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP)" feature that can be used instead of SMS (short messaging service)-based OTP (one-time password).
A quick check of the app revealed, that while most services were functional, it did have a tendency to hang and throw up errors. Several users posted reviews on Play Store complaining about encountering bugs. Users also complained about manually keying in OTP and QR scanning functions not working properly.
In a bid to eliminate fake or multiple PANs (Permanent Account Number) held by the same person from the system, the government has made it mandatory to link the 12-digit Aadhaar number with the 10-digit alpha-numeric PAN+ from July 1. The Narendra Modi government has also made it compulsory for citizens to link Aadhaar with their bank accounts by December 31, 2017, failing which the accounts will no longer be operational.
Amid the government's push to link Aadhaar with most services, there have been security and mass surveillance concerns raised by several stakeholders in society, especially from the legal and tech fraternity. However, the UIDAI has time and again said these concerns are unfounded and Aadhaar is "fully safe and secure".
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