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Get Adhar card online

Get Adhar card online
Aadhaar card has become a card that, against which voter ID, PAN card and passport are significantly reduced, support card loss can be very difficult to face.
People had to face a lot of trouble by getting lost passport, PAN card and voter card first. But, if the base card is important, people may face severe harassment if the support card is also lost in error. However, you can ask a home-based online card for a second time.
To get a duplicate support card you must first go to the website that provides support card To issue a support card on the site's home page for another time, click on resident portal. Eid / UID option will be available as soon as clicked.
After clicking on the resident, the next page will come. In it there will be a woman sighting for a rounded base card. Below it will be EID / UID option. If the slip of your enrollment number has been lost, on EID and if the support card is missing, but the number remembers the number then the number will be given. After clicking on the UID / EID to update the database, there will be a form. In which name, the enrollment number must be filled in the mobile number or mail id given at the time of enrollment.
Then enter the four-digit security code on the screen. Then click on GET OTP. Then there will be a one-time password on mobile. As soon as the call is done, the EID or UID number will appear on the mobile number. You can download E-Base on the UIDAI portal through the UID number you receive for the Aadhaar card.
Please check the status of the base card
You can also learn the status of your Aadhaar card at or link to know the status of the Aadhaar Card.
Important: Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement / Notification.

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