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The next recruitment rally in Gujarat is being held from 06 July to 16 July in Anand district, for which the youngsters who want to pursue careers in the army forces have registered a large number of online. A total of 7,1039 candidates have registered for this process of selection, so that all previous records have been broken. Keeping in mind the significant increase in numbers, the number of youth joining the state from the state after completion of all the phases of the elaborate selection process is likely to create a new record.

The number of youth recruited in the state since 2014 is increasing. According to available data, for the year 2013-14, the average recruitment of 400 youths for the recruitment office, Jamnagar, for the average of approximately 300 and recruitment to the recruiting office, Ahmedabad has been recruited, which is increasing continuously. When 492 youths were recruited in the 2016 rally organized by Army recruitment office, Ahmedabad, Army recruiting office had selected 786 youths in the planned rally in Himmatnagar in December 2016.
Attempts to enroll the army as a result of major programs such as information / awareness campaigns, exhibitions and Vibrant Gujarat, 2017 have yielded good results. The Department of Public Relations established in the state has received excellent support from all types of media, including print, television and radio, which is providing the necessary guidance at the right time to the youth of the state who want to join the army.
The state government has been consistent in preparing and awakening the youth for strict selection processes in these recruitment rallies so that the number of Gujarati youth in the army is likely to increase in the coming years. According to the district, you can login to see the examination and visit Anand (06 to 16 July, 2017) to get more details for the planned army recruitment rally and subscribe: "".
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