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1. WhatsApp can be Hack  
Some time ago we knew that 2,000,000 users of WhatsApp Web are in danger. Because of this, there was a cyber attack on this app. Since then, concerns have worried over its security. However, WhatsApp has become the most popular instant messaging app in India. So, security firms continue to study their safety. According to a similar security company Praetorian, Whatsapp is not safe at all. Because hackers can easily steal any user's data by hacking it.
2. Hacks can be WhatsApp
Hacksapp Account Can Be Hacked By:
- Anyone has only mobile number information
- Know the phone's EMI number.
- What to do with WhatsApp using Wi-Fi internet
Hackers can hack any person's WhatsApp account easily due to the above reasons.
3. Hacks can be WhatsApp
Tips to keep WhatsApp Accounts:
Use Whitespace - Using your Wi-Fi only.
- Keep changing router's password a few times.
- Do not use public Wi-Fi.
- Block any unrecognized number.
4. Hacks Can Be Hacked
It is worth mentioning that WhitsAdd has added a new offline feature, which allows users to send messages without a network in the smartphone or even without the Internet. The latest iOS update in WhatsApp is the ability to queue up a message. This type of feature is already provided by Facebook Messenger and Email. Apart from this, the new update has been designed in a new way, so that the storage can be managed well.
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