Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar has announced notification for the recruitment of 76 Teaching Assistant vacancies in various subjects. Eligible candidates can apply on or before 12-06-2017 till 05:00 PM. Other details like educational qualification, selection process, application fee & how to apply are given below…
Bhavnagar University Recruitment 2017 → 76 Teaching Assistant Vacancies: Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar has displayed vacant seats for Teaching Assistant posts in various subjects. Candidates satisfying the desired eligibility conditions as mentioned in the Bhavnagar University official notification can submit their application in prescribed format on or before 12th June 2016 with the help of details mentioned below–
Bhavnagar University Recruitment for 76 Teaching Assistant Post
NOTE:- Candidates are advised to thoroughly read the Bhavnagar University original notification before applying for the desired post.
Organisation Name : Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University
Bhavnagar University Vacancy Details:
Total No.of Posts: 76
Name of the Posts: Teaching Assistant
Name of the Subject:
1. Organic Chemistry: 02 posts
2. Analytical Chemistry: 01 post
3. Inorganic Chemistry: 01 post
4. Botany: 07 posts
5. Zoology: 01 post
6. Microbiology: 05 posts
7. Physics: 10 posts
8. Nanoscience: 01 post
9. Marine Science: 03 posts
10. Computer Science: 03 posts
11. Statistics: 03 posts
12. English: 02 posts
13. Sanskrit: 02 posts
14. Social Work: 02 posts
15. History: 02 posts
16. Maths: 02 posts
17. Chemistry: 07 posts
18. Zoology: 02 posts
19. Industrial Chemistry: 01 posts
20. P.T.I: 02 posts
21. Commerce: 03 posts
22. Business Law: 01 post
23. Economics: 01 post
24. Accountancy: 03 posts
25. Computer: 01 post
26. Hindi: 01 post
27. Psychology: 01 post
28. Politics: 02 posts
29. Sociology: 02 posts
30. Home Science: 02 posts
Gujarat No.1 Gk Apps Here
Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess Master’s degree in relevant subject with minimum 55% (NET/ SLET, M.Phil and Ph.D degree holders shall be given preference).
Selection Process: Selection will be based on Interview.
Application Fee: Candidates have to pay Rs. 500/- (Rs. 125/- for SC/ ST) Demand draft in favour of “Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University Fund Account”.
How to Apply: Eligible candidates send their 02 printed copies of the application (A4 size paper) to Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar on or before 12-06-2017 till 05:00 PM by Registered Post/ Speed Post/ in Person.
Last Date for Submission of Application: 12-06-2017 till 05:00 PM
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Bhavnagar University Recruitment for 76 Teaching Assistant Post
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