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Notification of Qualifying Marks to the cadre of multi tasking staff (MTS) in Gujarat Postal Circle for the exam held on 14/05/2017

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R & E/2-31/]DR/2017-18 dated 24/03/2017
QUALIFYING MARKS-the qualifying mark in each category is as under. Unreserved
Minimum IO marks in each part I, e. part A. B, C (I)
Candidatesgpc). categpw 1 and (ii) and 40% in wegate. OBC category Minimum 9 marks in each part 1. e, part A, B, C (1) and
l(@ and 37% in aggregate.
SC/ST category Minimum 8 marks in each part 1. e. part A, B, C (1) and
I (ii) and 33% in aggregate.
Candidate has to qualify in each part besides securing aggregate marks.
b) The descriptive examination with the same syllabus will be taken in order of merit of Aptitude Test (MCQ) ·
c) The selection to qualify for descrip*ve examination will purely on merit basis which will be prepared on the basis of marks obtained in the Aptitude test separately for each
category following the prescribed nde procedure on the subject.
you can download notification from
Download Notification : Click Here

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