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GPSSB Nayab Chitnis Syllabus,

GPSSB Nayab Chitnis Syllabus,
GPSSB Nayab Chitnis Syllabus and Exam Pattern had provided here. The Gujarat Panchayat Chitnis Exam Syllabus and Exam Pattern pdf for the free download. Gujarat Deputy Chitnis Syllabus had given for the Applicants Preparing for the GPSSB Nayab Chitnis Examination . Here we are Providing the Gujarat Panchayat Vibhag Deputy Chitnis Exam Syllabus and Exam Pattern for free of cost on our website. Aspirants can also check the GPSSB Admit Cards, Cutoff and Previous Papers from the Official website. The Official website of Gujarat .
1. gpssb nayab chitnis syllabus
2. syllabus and exam pattern
3. gpssb nayab chitnis
4. gujarat pssb nayab chitanis syllabus
5. nayab chitnis syllabus
please check the below tabular form and get the GPSSB Dy Chitanis Test Pattern before going to attend the written test.
gpssb nayab chitnis syllabus
syllabus and exam pattern
gpssb nayab chitnis
gujarat pssb nayab chitanis syllabus
nayab chitnis syllabus
S. No Subjects Marks
1. Gujarati 35 marks
2. English 35 marks
3. GK 30 marks
4. Technical Subjects 50 marks
Total 150 Marks
Gujarat PSSB Nayab Chitanis Syllabus pdf
Check the GPSSB Lab Technician Syllabus and Exam Pattern here. With the Provided Gujarat PSSB Nayab Chitanis Syllabus, you get good marks in the Examination.
GPSSB Dy Chitnis Exam Syllabus 2017
Gujarat PSSB Dy Chitnis Syllabus for General Knowledge
History – India & Gujarat.
Current Affairs – National & International etc.
Indian Economy.
Indian Culture & Heritage.
Gujarat Culture & Heritage.
Indian Constitution.
Indian Polity.
Science & Technology.
Indian Geography.
General Science.
Gujarat Panchayat Vibhag Dy Chitnis Syllabus English Language
Sentence structure.
Spot the error.
Fill in the blanks.
Detecting Mis-spelt words.
Shuffling of sentence parts.
One word substitutions.
Shuffling of Sentences in a passage.
Cloze passage.
Idioms and phrases.
Comprehension passage etc.
GPSSB Nayab Chitnis Syllabus for Gujarati Literature & Grammar
Translation of Sentences.
Error Detection.
Fill in the Blanks.
Comprehension Passage etc.
GPSSB Dy Chitnis Syllabus for Arithmetic Ability
Number Systems.
Decimals and Fractions.
Ratio and Proportion.
Profit and Loss.
Ratio and Time.
Time and Distance.
Whole Numbers.
Use of Tables and Graphs etc.
Time and Work.
Gujarat Panchayat Seva Selection Board Exam Syllabus for Reasoning Ability
Syllogistic Reasoning.
Problem Solving.
Non-Verbal Series.
Visual Memory.
Clocks & Calendars.
Decision Making.
Alphabet Series.
Blood Relations.
Number Series.
Cubes and Dice.
Number Ranking.
Mirror Images.
Embedded Figures etc.
Arithmetical Reasoning.
gpssb nayab chitnis syllabus
syllabus and exam pattern
gpssb nayab chitnis
gujarat pssb nayab chitanis syllabus
nayab chitnis syllabus

Important: Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement / Notification.
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