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Central Government and State Government

State governments in India are the governments ruling States of India, and the head of the council of ministers in a state is chief minister. Power is divided between the central government and state governments. While the central government handles military and external affairs etc., the state governments deal with internal security (through state police) and other state issues. Income for the central government is from customs duty, excise tax, income tax etc., while state government income comes from sales tax (VAT), stamp duty. Each state has a legislative assembly. A state legislature that has one house, known as Vidhan Sabha or Legislative assembly, is a Unicameral legislature.
A state legislature that has two houses known as Vidhan Sabha and Vidhan Parishad, is a bicameral legislature.The Vidhan Sabha is the lower house and corresponds to the Lok Sabha. The Vidhan Parishad is the upper house and corresponds to the Rajya Sabha.


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