Allowance announcement after 1st June 2017: Cabinet Secretary
Dated: 23.05.2017
All Constituents of Staff Side(JCM)
Dear Comrades!
Subject: Brief of the meeting held today with the Cabinet Secretary (GovernmeYnt of India)
Today I met the Cabinet Secretary (Government of India) and handed him over a copy of our letter regarding inordinate delay in implementation of the report of the Ashok Lavasan Committee on Allowances.
Also shown him our anguish regarding other demands, pending with different committees such as Minimum Wage, Fitment Formula and NPS, etc. etc.
The Cabinet Secretary said that, he has fixed date of 1st June 2017 for perusal of the report of the Allowances Committee by the Empowered Committee and soon after that, he will send a memorandum to the Cabinet for their consideration.
This is for your information
Comradely yours
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
Secretary (Staff Side)
Source : Govtmpdiary
Allowance announcement after 1st June 2017: Cabinet Secretary
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