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StateBank of India (SBI) Mumbai is looking for appointment of Defence BankingAdvisor (DBA Air- Force) and Circle Defence Banking Advisors (CDBA) on contractbasis. The last date for submission of applications is 24th April 2017.
Post Name
No of Vacancy
Maximum Age
Retired in the rank of
Defence Banking Advisor (Air force)
62 years
Air Vice Marshal or above
Circle Defence Banking Advisor (Army)
60 Years
Major General or Brigadier
Compensation Package:
DefenceBanking Advisor -> CTC (Fixed compensation package per annum) will be ₹ 32lacs (including pension before commutation being drawn by the applicant).Salary components will consist of Basic, HRA and conveyance allowance.
CircleDefence Banking Advisor -> CTC (Fixed compensation package per annum) willbe ₹ 21 lacs (including pension before commutation being drawn by theapplicant). Salary components will consist of Basic, HRA and conveyanceallowance.
Selection Process: Shortlisted candidateswill be called for Interview. Final selection will be on the basis ofperformance in interview.
How to Apply: The completed application (Prescribed format) withphotograph and signature of the applicant should be sent by post to the addressmentioned in the application. The last date for receipt ofapplications is 24/04/2017. The envelope should besuper scribed with the Name of the Post applied for.

State Bank of India is looking for appointment of a Deanof studies on contractual basis (Initial period 3 years with interim renewalevery year based on performance) for its new Institute, State Bank Institute ofManagement (SBIM), Plot No. IIF/2, Action Area-II, New Town, Rajarhat, Kolkata((Functioning proposed from April 2017). The last date for receipt ofapplications is 20th April 2017.
Note(Dated 4th April 2017): This advertisement is in modification of earlierAdvertisement No. CRPD/SCO-DEAN/2016-17/16 dated 25.01.2017. Experiencecriteria stands revised. The candidates who have already applied for the postin response to SBI advertisement No. CRPD/SCO-DEAN/2016-17/16 need not applyagain.
Post Name
Training Capacity
Age Limit
Dean of studies
180 @ 30 per wing/channel. 4 Wings/Channels will be used for training of SBI's senior officials and 2 Wings/channels for external participants/ organizations including those from neighbouring countries
Maximum 65 years as on 01.02.2017 (Relaxation will be given in   age limit in deserving cases). Candidate should be of sound health.
Negotiable, will not be a bar for a deserving candidate.
Minimum Educational qualification:
(a)MBA from Top Indian/International 'B' Schools, OR 

(b) Ph.D. from Top Indian University or TopIndian /International B-Schools,
(c) Preference will be given to those havingMBA/Ph.D. in the discipline of Banking and Finance.
Minimum Experience: The candidate should haveadequate experience in a leading industry/ educational/ research institute.
Selection Process: Valid applications willbe short listed by the committee of specialists/experts and shortlistedcandidates will be called for interaction. Final selection will be on the basisof performance in interaction.
How to Apply: Eligible Candidates shouldapply in the prescribed application format and complete it inall respects. The completed application with photograph &signature of the applicant should be sent by post to "State Bank of India,Central Recruitment & Promotion Department, Corporate Centre, Floor,Atlanta Building, Nariman Point, Mumbai-400021" in the applicationform alongwith the photocopies of required documents. The last date for receipt ofapplications is 15/02/2017 (The last date for receiptof Applications is 20/04/2017).

SBI Recruitment notification 2017-18 of Officers inSpecialized Positions for Wealth Management in State Bank of India. The SBIBank invites Online applications from Indian Nationals for recruitment ofSpecialist cadre Officers for Wealth Management on Contractual EngagementBasis. Eligible Indian Citizens Apply Online from 24thMarch 2017 and SBI registration close on 10th April 2017.
Position Name
No of Vacancies
Age Limit (as on 01/03/2017)
Sales Head
40 to 52 Years
Products, Investments & Research Head
40 to 52 Years
Operations Head
35 to 45 Years
Manager (Business Development)
30 to 40 Years
Manager (Business Process)
30 to 40 Years
Central Research Team
30 to 40 Years
Acquisition Relationship Managers
22 to 35 Years
Relationship Managers
23 to 35 Years
Relationship Manager (Team Lead)
25 to 40 Years
Investment Counsellors
23 to 35 Years
Customer Relationship Executives
20 to 35 Years
Upper Age Relaxation: SC/ST-05 Years; OBC-03Years; PWD(SC/ST)-15 Years; PWD(OBC)-13 Years; PWD(GEN)-10 Years
Minimum Educational Qualifications andExperience (as on 01/03/2017):
OperationsHead -> MBA/ PGDM from reputed College. Minimum 15 Years of relevant workexperience in financial services, Investment advisory and Private banking.Minimum Eight Years of Experience in Wealth Management. Should have managed largeManagement Team. Excellent Knowledge of Equity Products, PMS, Mutual Funds andAdvisory. Should have Exposure to CRM. Proven track record of High Performanceand Leadership. Should have relevant work experience at a national level withlarge Wealth Management organisations. Should have managed a large team ofrelationship managers & Team Leads at a national level.
Products,Investments & Research Head –> Graduation / Post Graduation from thereputed Colleges. Knowledge and Experience in Market Analytics and Pass.ion forResearch in Economics trend and Products. Minimum 15 Years of relevant workexperience in financial services, Financial Product Development, InvestmentAdvisory and Private Banking. Minimum Eight Years of Experience in WealthManagement. Excellent Knowledge of Equity Products, PMS, Mutual Funds andAdvisory.  Experience in Product Development and Structuring for PrivateWealth Clients. Experience in managing investment counsellors/ advisors at anational level with leading banks/ financial institutions.
OperationsHead ->MBA/PGDM from reputed College. Minimum 15 Years of Experience infinancial services, investment advisory and private banking out of whichminimum 8 years of experience in setting up and Managing Mid Office, BackOffice and Branch Operations of Wealth Management set up. Exposure on CRMplatform for Wealth Management is preferred. Experience in handling trade anddata for transactions across asset classes like equity, bonds, mutual funds andalternates. Should have managed a large operations team in Wealth Managementbusiness.
Manager(Business Development) –> MBA/PGDM from reputed College/ University. Minimum5 years of experience in Bank/Wealth Management firms/broking. firms.Experience in business development in wealth management area.
Manager(Business Process) –> MBA/PGDM from reputed College/ University. Minimum 5years of experience in Bank / Wealth Management firms / broking firms / Wealthmanagement solution firms. Experience in business process management in wealthmanagement area.
CentralResearch Team –> MBA/PGDM from reputed College/ University. Minimum 5 Yearsof Experience in Fixed Income Research / MF Research / Equity and DerivativeResearch / Portfolio Analytics In Wealth Management Firm / Bank / AMC.
AcquisitionRelationship Managers –> Graduate from Government recognized University orInstitution. Minimum 2 years of experience  in acquisition of High NetWorth clients (Clients having a minimum Total Relationship Value (TRV) ofINR.20.00 lakh or more) in Wealth Management business with leading Public /Private/ Foreign Banks / Broking / Securities firms and other financial institutions.
RelationshipManagers –> Graduate from Government recognized University or Institution.Minimum 3 years of experience as a Relationship Manager in Wealth Managementwith leading Public /Private / Foreign Banks/ Broking/ Security firms. Thecandidate should have adequate experience in building and managing relationshipwith High Net Worth Clients (Clients having a minimum Total Relationship Value(TRV) of ₹ 20.00 lakh).
RelationshipManager (Team Lead) –> Graduate Degree from Government recognized Universityor Institution. Minimum 4 years of experience as a Relationship Manager inWealth Management Experience as a Team Lead is preferred.
InvestmentCounsellors –> Graduate/ Post Graduate with AMFI/ NISM (Module V) certifiedfrom Government recognized University or Institutions. Candidates with CFP/CFA/SEBI IA Certifications will be preferred. Minimum 3 years of experience asan Investment advisor / counselor / part of Product Team in Wealth Managementorganization.
CustomerRelationship Executives -> Graduate Degree from Government recognizedUniversity or Institution. Experience in documentation requirem.ents offinancial products and good communications skills would be desirable.
Selection Process: Selection will be based onshort listing and one or more rounds of Personal Interview.
Application Fee: A Non-refundable fee of ₹600/- for General and OBC Category Candidates; ₹ 100/- (Intimation chargesonly) for SC/ ST/ PWD candidates. This fee can be made through Online PaymentGateway.
Important Dates:
Opening date for Online Registration:
Last date for Online Registration of Application:
Last date for Payment of Fees:
Last date for printing your application.n:
Last date for receipt of Hard copy of Application:
How to Apply: Eligible Candidates willbe required to register themselves online through SBI Bank's Website. TheCandidates should first scan their latest photograph and signature. TheCandidates should have valid email ID which should be kept active till thedeclaration of results. It will help him/her in getting call letter/ interviewadvices etc. by email. The Last date for submission of online registration is 10/04/2017.
ThePhoto-copies of the application (registered online) along with photocopies of(i) ID proof (ii) Proof of Date of Birth (iii) Educational Certificates:Mark-Sheets/Degree Certificate (iv) Experience certificates (v) Brief resume(vi) e-Receipt for fee payment (vii) SC/ST certificate, OBC (With Non creamylayer clause) certificate, PWD certificate as applicable should be addressed to"State Bank of India, Central Recruitment & Promotion Department,Corporate Centre, 3rd Floor, Atlanta Building, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400021" by post. The last date for receipt of applications is 13/04/2017. The envelope should besuperscribed with the name of Post applied for.

StateBank of India (SBI) invites applications from eligible Indian Citizens forappointment of Probationary Officers (POs) for filling up total 2313 Vacancies.The Online registration start from 7th February 2017 and close on 6th March2017.
Name of Post
No of Vacancy
Probationary Officers (POs).
2313 (Include 313 Backlog Vacancies) (90 Vacancies reserved for PWD)
Age Limit (as on 01/04/2017): Not below 21 years and notabove 30 years as on 01.04.2017 [i .e candidates must have been born notearlier than 02.04.1987 and not later than 01.04.1996 (both days inclusive)]
Emoluments: The starting basic pay is₹ 27,620/- (with 4 advance increments) in the scale of ₹ 23700-980/7-30560-1145/ 2-32850-1310/ 7-42020 applicable to Junior Management GradeScale-I.
Essential Academic Qualifications (As on 01.07.2017):
(1)Graduation Degree in any discipline from a recognised University or anyequivalent qualification recognised as such by the Central Government. 
(2) Those who are in the Final year/ Semester of their Graduation may alsoapply provisionally subject to the condition that, if called for interview,they will have to produce proof of having passed the graduation examination onor before 01.07.2017.
(3) Candidates having integrated dual degree (IDD) certificate should ensurethat the date of passing the IDD is on or before 01.07.2017.
(4) Candidates possessing qualification of Chartered Accountant may also apply.
Application Fee and Intimation Charge (A Non-Refundable): ₹ 100/-(Intimation Charges Only) for SC / ST / PWD Category Candidates; ₹ 600/-(Application Fee including Intimation Charges) for General and Others.
Selection Process: Phase-I - PreliminaryExamination, Phase-II -Main Examination, Phase-III - Group Exercises (20 marks)& Interview (30 marks) and Final Selection.
How to Apply: Eligible InterestedCandidates can apply online through SBI Careers Website only from 07/02/2017 to 06/03/2017.
HelpDesk:In case of any prob.lem in filling up the form, payment of fee/ intimationcharges or receipt of Admission/ call letter, queries may be made at telephoneno. 022-22820427 (between 11:00 AM to 06:00 PM on working days.
Important Dates:-
On-line registration including Edit/Modification of Application by candidates –> 7th February 2017 to 06th March2017 
Payment of Application Fees/ IntimationCharges -> 7th February 2017 to 06th March 2017 
Download of call letters for onlinePreliminary Examination -> 15th April 2017 onwards 
Online Examination - Preliminary -> 29th& 30th April and 6th & 7th May 2017 
Result of Online exam - Preliminary ->17th May 2017 
Download of Call letter for Online Main Exam-> 22nd May 2017 onwards 
Conduct of Online Examination - Main ->4th June 2017 
Declaration of Result - Main -> 19th June2017 
Download Call Letter for Interview -> 26thJune 2017 
Conduct of Group Exercises & Interview-> 10th July 2017 onwards 
Declaration of Final Result -> 5th August2017.

State bank of India (SBI) Hyderabad invites applicationsfrom Officers retired from State Bank of India Service on or after 01.01.2014with good credit / audit background and excellent track record in the scales ofSMGS-IV, SMGS-V and TEGS-VI for appointment as Concurrent. Auditors in the Bankbranches / outfits on Contract Basis. The Last date for receipt of applicationat respective Zonal Inspection offices is 28th February 2017.
Name of Post
Age Limit
Monthly Remuneration
Concurrent Auditors.
Not more than 64 Years.
₹ 60000/-(for ex-officers who retired as TEGS-VI) ₹ 50000/- (for ex-officers who retired as SMGS-V) and ₹ 40000/-(for ex-officers who retired as SMGS-IV) without prejudice to the pension. They will not be entitled to any other perquisites / facilities / benefits etc. from the Bank.
Eligibility: The officer should haveretired from Bank's Service on attaining superannuation and not under VoluntaryRetirement Scheme or Exit Option Scheme without any major penalty imposed onhim during the five years of his service in the Bank immediately hisretirement.
Selection Process: Interview..
TheLast date for receipt of application at respective Zonal Inspection offices is 28/02/2017..

StateBank of India (SBI) Mumbai invites applications for recruitment of Senior Manager(Product Specialist). The last date submission of online applications is 14thFebruary 2017.
Name of Post
No of Vacancy
Age Limit
Senior Manager (Product Specialist)
27 to 35 Years as on 31/12/2016
The compensation package would comprise of fixed and variable components but not a limiting factor for a suitable candidate.
Eligibility and Experience: (as on 31/12/2016).
(1)The candidate should be an MBA gr.aduate from a reputed Institute. 
(2) Minimum 5 years of post-qualification experience in Cash Management relatedarea in any Public Sector Bank/ Foreign Bank/ Private Bank.
Selection Process: Shortlisted candidates willbe called for personal Interview.
Application Fee (Non Refundable): ₹ 600/-to be paid through online mode of fee collection i.e. Internet Banking, DebitCards (RuPay/ Visa/ Master Ca.rd/ Maestro), Credit Cards, IMPS, Cash Cards/Mobile Wallets.
How to Apply: Eligible candidates will berequired to register themselves online through SBI website. The last date forsubmission of online applications is 14/02/2017.
Copyof the application (registered online) along with required documents should besent to "State Bank of India, Central Recruitment & PromotionDepartment, Corpo..rate Centre, 3rd Floor, Atlanta Building, Nariman Point,Mumbai - 400 021" by post. The closing date for receipt of applications is 20/02/2017.
Important Dates:-

Closure of registration of application ->14/02/2017 .
Closure for editing application details ->14/02/2017 .
Last date for printing your application ->01/03/2017 
Online Fee Payment -> 01/02/2017 to14/02/2017 .
Last date for submitting hard copy ofapplication -> 20/02/2017.
Important: Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement / Notification.
Tag : JOB

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