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Indian mobile customers' end to end of Samsung's latest phone, Galaxy S8 Within just one month of global launch, the world's largest smartphone company Samsung has launched the Galaxy S8 in India. The company has launched S8 Plus, along with the Galaxy S8, in India.

Samsung Galaxy S8 is priced at Rs 57,900 in India.
The Galaxy S8 + will be available at 64,900 rupees. The sale of the phone will begin on May 5. Pre-booking for both smartphones has started on Wednesday, April 19. For the sale of the phone, the company has tied up with the country's largest Ecommerce firm Flipkart. Apart from Flipkart this phone will also be available on the Samsung India Store. The company will offer a wireless charger under the launch offer with the phone.

Samsung has provided its virtual assistant 'Bixby' in Galaxy S8 and S8 +. This means that this feature is debuting with this series. This feature will work with Apple's Siri as Google's Google Assistant and Microsoft Coratani's. This feature works on the user's voice command. Samsung will install the 'Bixby' AppPie into both these flagship smartphones. That is, the user does not have to download it.

Both of these smartphones have the Galaxy S8 and S8 + biometric security features. This feature-specific user will be able to use different security features. It includes Iris scanner, fingerprint, face pattern, password. Using the iris scanner, the user can unlock the smartphone using an eye. That means the phone will be unlocked once again.

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