HTAT 2017 Additional Hall Ticket
For Issue of Post Office fees some Hall tickets are not Downloaded . So download this file and Print Your Hall Tickets
Admit Card: SEB is going to be conducted the
exam of HTAT in April 2017. Before Exam, SEB will provide Gujarat HTAT
Exam Hall Ticket on the official website of OJAS The official website of
SEB is State Examination Board which conducts the exam of
HTAT and other exams. HTAT is a Head Teacher Aptitude Test, exam for
Primary School Level Teachers. The Gujarat HTAT exam is a state level
exam and a huge number of candidates takes part in the exam of HTAT.
There are 150 questions in the question paper of HTAT which contains 75
Marks questions of Primary level Content of Maths Science,Gujarati,
Social Science and all Subjects and 50 % is as given in Syllabus. The
question of question paper is related 6 to 10 class questions. This exam
is a yearly exam of Gujarat State. The Application Process of Gujarat
HTAT has successfully done. The details of Admit Card are mentioned in

Gujarat HTAT Exam is going to be held in April by SEB.
GSEB will provide Gujarat HTAT 2017 Exam Hall Ticket to all the
applicants on the official website of OJAS. Hall Ticket identify the
candidate’s identity at the examination center. Candidates can Download
Gujarat HTAT Exam Hall ticket 2017 by following process:-
Candidates need to log in to the official website of OJAS
and the official website of SEB is www.o and click on
Hall TicketCandidates need to enter their Confirmation number and
BirthdateGujarat HTAT Admit Card will be displayed on Screen.
Important: Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement / Notification.
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