Gujarat All Exam Study Materials
JobSafar Team Provide All Exam Study Material for Better Preparation of any exam conduct by Gujarat Government. Like, GPSC, Police Constable, PSI, Jail Sepoy, SRP, Talati, Clerk, TET, HTAT, PRET, NET, SLET, GSET, University Job, Bank Job, Medical Job, GSRTC, GPSSB, GSSSB Gaun Seva, DPSSC, Forest, Municipality, Electricity Job, SSA, High Court, Scholarship, Admission etc and India Level Job like - Railway Job, Indian Army, SSB, BSF, CRPF, CISF, Police, UPSC, SSC Staff Selection, Javahar Navoday, Kendriya Vidhyalay, CBSE, Teacher Job.
JobSafar Team Provide All Exam Study Material for Better Preparation of any exam conduct by Gujarat Government. Like, GPSC, Police Constable, PSI, Jail Sepoy, SRP, Talati, Clerk, TET, HTAT, PRET, NET, SLET, GSET, University Job, Bank Job, Medical Job, GSRTC, GPSSB, GSSSB Gaun Seva, DPSSC, Forest, Municipality, Electricity Job, SSA, High Court, Scholarship, Admission etc and India Level Job like - Railway Job, Indian Army, SSB, BSF, CRPF, CISF, Police, UPSC, SSC Staff Selection, Javahar Navoday, Kendriya Vidhyalay, CBSE, Teacher Job.

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we provide material for Post Department Gujarat vacancy of Multi Tasking
Staff (MTS) Exam 2017.
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Name of Post: Multi Tasking Staff (MTS)
Total Post: 423
Circle: Gujarat
Exam Time: 120 Minute
Total Mark: 100
Exam Type: MCQ
Marking: No Nagative
PART-A: (General Knowledge)
(25 Marks with 25 Question of 1 mark each)
Topics:- Indian Geography, Freedom Struggle, Culture & Sports,
General politics & Constitution of India, Indian Economics, General
Science, Current Affairs and Reasoning & analytical ability of 10th
PART-B: (Mathematics)
(25 Marks with 25 Question of 1 mark each)
Topics:- Number systems, Decimals & Fractions, Percentages, Ration
& Proportion, Profit & Loss, Simple Interest, Average, Discount,
Partnership, Time & Work and Time & Distance.
(25 Marks with 25 Question of 1 mark each)
Topics: - Articles, Prepositions, conjunctions, tenses, verbs, synonyms
and antonyms, vocabulary, sentence structure, Proverbs, Phrases,
Questions from a small unseen passage.
(25 Marks with 25 Question of 1 mark each)
Topic:- Mishra & Sanyukt Vakya, Vakyo Nu Rupantaran, Svar Sandhi,
Alankar, Muhavara, Lokokti, Ashudh Vaky Sodhan, Apathit Gadhyansh.
The qualifying mark in each category is as under.
1. Unreserved category: Minimum 10 marks in each part i.e. part A, B, C(i) and (ii) and 40% in aggregate.
2. OBC category: Minimum 9 marks in each part i.e. part A, B, C(i) and (ii) and 37% in aggregate.
3.SC/ST category: Minimum 8 marks in each part i.e. part A, B, C(i) and (ii) and 33% in aggregate.
Important: Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement / Notification.
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