Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) has published Important Notification for the post of Class 1 & 2 GAS & GCS (Advt. No. 121/2016-17) 2017, Check below for more details.Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) has published an Advertisement for below mentioned Posts 2017. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee and how to apply are given below.
22 PostsDistrict inspector of land records: 08 PostsAssistant Director (Food and Civil Supplies): 15 PostsLabour Officer: 07 PostsTriable Development Officer: 21 PostsPrivate Secretary (English Stenographer, Grade-1),Class-2, (Special Recruitment-Schedule Tribe)State Services (Advt. No. GPSC 122/2016-17): 02 PostsClinical Physiologist (Advt. No. GPSC 123/2016-17): 20 PostsDistrict Youth Development Officer (Advt. No. GPSC 124/2016-17): 22 PostsScientific Officer (Chemistry), Class-2, Directorate of Forensic Science, Home Department (Advt. No. GPSC 125/2016-17):13 PostsIndustries Officer, Class-2,Industries & Mines Department (Advt. No. GPSC 126/2016-17): 07 PostsIndustries Officer (Technical ) and Manager (Raw Materials), Industries and Mines Department (Advt. No. GPSC 127/2016-17): 04 PostsInspector of Registration, Class-2 (Special Drive),
Posts :GPSC Class 1 (Advt. No. GPSC 121/2016-17):Dy. Collector: 40 PostsDy. S.P.: 28 PostsDistrict Registrar: 07 PostsProhibition & Excise Superintendent: 02PostsAssistant Commissioner Tribal Development: 06 PostsGPSC Class - 2 (Advt. No. GPSC 121/2016-17):Mamlatdar: 69 PostsSection Officer (Sachivalay): 96 PostsSection Officer (GPSC): 03 PostsSection Officer (Gujarat Assembly Secretariat): 03 PostsTaluka Development Officer (TDO): 08 PostsAsst. District Registrar:
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