Clerk cum Typist Recrutments 2017-18
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GEMI-01-04/2017 Online applications are invited for the following post:
For Post Code 1- (Deputy Environmental Engineer) Essential
Qualification: The candidate:- I. Should not be less than 21 years and
more than 40 of years of age. II. Should posses a Bachelor Degree in
Engineering from a University or Institute recognized by State/Central
Government with first class in the Environmental Engineering or Civil
Engineering with environment as elective or Chemical Engineering with
environment as elective AND minimum 5 years experience in different
aspects of Environmental Management and Pollution Control OR Master’s
degree in Environmental Engineering/Environmental Management with
minimum 3 years experience in different aspects of Environmental
Management and Pollution Control. III. Should have the basic Knowledge
of Computer Application as prescribed in Gujarat Civil Services
Classification and Recruitment (General) Rules 1967, as amendment from
time to time. IV. Should possess adequate knowledge of Gujarati or
Hindi. V. Those having Master’s degree in Environmental Engineering/
Environmental Management but not having Bachelor’s degree in Environment
or Civil / Chemical Engineering with environment as elective need not
apply as they are not eligible. Post Code Name of the Post/Pay Scale
Upper age limit (In years) (as on 30-04-2017) Category wise post/s No.
of posts reserved for Women Total Posts General SEBC General SEBC 1
Deputy Environmental Engineer (`.9300-`.34800) (PB-2) Grade Pay `.5400
40 1 - 1 - 1 2 Assistant Environmental Engineer (`.9300-`.34800) (PB-2)
Grade Pay `.4600 35 - 1 - 1 1 3 *Senior Clerk (`.5200-`.20200) (PB-1)
Grade Pay `.2400 Fixed pay `. 19950 for First Five Years 37
Important: Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement / Notification.
Applicable conditions: 1. The applicants who do not fulfil the
required qualification will be rejected. 2. The candidates shall
furnish formula/method approved by recognized University/Institute for
calculation of percentage, when percentage of marks is not given by the
University. 3. Age as on the last date fixed for application shall be
considered for calculation of maximum age limit. 4. Age relaxation
will be given to General Category female candidates and SC, ST &
SEBC male candidates upto 5 years and SC, ST & SEBC female
candidates upto 10 years as per Government of Gujarat’s GR. No.
CRR-112008-282323-G5, dated 06-10-2015. 5. Only Caste Certificates
issued by Government of Gujarat shall be considered as valid. 6. SEBC
candidates would be required to produce Non-Creamy Layer certificate as
on 01-04-2017. 7. For candidates who are already in Gujarat Govt.
service, either as a permanent or a temporary officiating continuously
for six months and had not crossed age limit prescribed for the
advertised post at the time of his first appointment, the relaxation
will be 5 years or extent years for which service has been put in by him
/ her, which ever is less as per Gujarat Civil Services Classification
and Recruitment (General) Rules 1967. For details refer to the aforesaid
rules. 8. Selected candidates may be posted to any branches/offices
in Gujarat as per requirements of this Institute or may be transferred
in future to places outside Headquarters. 9. The candidate who is
presently working in Government/Semi Government/Local Bodies will have
to apply through proper channel, otherwise their application will be
rejected. 10. If the number of the candidates available for interview
test is much more than the desired number, a written exam shall be held
to shortlist the candidates. For syllabus of the examination and model
questions please visit our website www. The date of
examination, if required to be conducted, will be communicated in due
course of time.
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