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Whatsapp two new features that are coming in, you know, before clicking one friend

Susanne of Whatsapp Android is getting two new features soon. This feature was only available for iPhone users of Whatsapp so far. The beta version of the latest Android update will be listed Whatsapp button for voice and video calling. Currently both the Santayana within the same icon for both buttons will be listed shortly. The new app will have all the right buttons. The beta version of Whatsapp in 2.17.93 Attachment button at the top place will be shifted down. Was recently named as a camera icon in the Attachment button. The company is also redesigning Bottom. The changes will see a beta version of Whatsapp is currently only for Android will soon be presented to users. Currently the world's 1 billion users of Whatsapp.

The pair will present the company through which to bring customers directly through the app feature that, as well as businessmen. According to available information, the company is testing a new system for the App. The app is now the company plans to generate revenue through traders. However, the company is testing a new system will take extreme caution so as not to spread the message as spam.

Whatsapp launched a new feature at the end of eight years. This feature can be made under the GIF file photo Whatsapp status with the new update. It can be written in text with a photo.

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