Vidyasahayak Bharti 2017 (Std
6 to 8) To be applicable for this latest Gujarat Vidyasahayak Bharti
2016, candidates must pass TET 2 of state to teach std VI to VIII of
primary schools. Visit our site for govt jobs in
Gujarat. Age limit of candidates must not be more than 35 years to be
eligible for VidyasahayakGujarat Recruitment.
Based on the number of applications and vacancies ratio board will
release merit list of selected candidates for GSEB teacher vacancies.
Interested candidates refer official GSEB Gujarat notification 2017
available in Gujarati medium before online apply at official website
It is good prospect for those who are waiting for jobs Gujarat TET
recruitment for primary teacher jobs. Subject wise vacancies and steps
to apply online application for Gujarat vidyasahayak bharti are below.
Apply before the last date, make regular visit for latest updates on
Gujarat teacher recruitment.
Note: Biji jagyaa ao pan ahi mukavaama aavase
Junagadh 28-02-2017 ni Sthitie Subjects Wise Khali Jagyao nu List
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