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Today's police constabel notification declaredUST share with all

Gujarat Police recruitment 2017 Bharti for constable, head constable, ASI, SI, Homeguard are here. Gujarat police bharti, vacancy details are available here. Gujarat police came into existence after separation from Mumbai on May 1,1960. The headquarters of Gujarat police is in gandhinagar, the capital of Gujarat . The (DGP) Director general of police leads the Gujarat police and the Gujarat police were the first to disclose the serial bomb-blast mystery in 2007- 2008. There are some special task- forces for crimes, intelligence & ats. There are commissioners offices at 4 places & 7 ranges in the Gujarat police and the police administration is further divided into 26 police districts. In next part comes the different Gujarat police recruitment process of various posts of Gujarat police department.
Gujarat state government does the Gujarat state police recruitment of these services. The  Gujaray Police recruitment process of state police services is based on the same pattern of ips and appointments are made by Gujarat state public service commission for state police officers. These officers come under category of gazetted officers.
Eligibility criteria:
Age: for men / women: 21 yrs. – 30 yrs.Physical ability :
Height: for men:         168 cm
for women:  157 cms
 chest:     for men:  85 cm min.
Educational qualification:
 the applicants must be graduated from any recognized university.
Selection procedure: 
There will be preliminary and main examination based on general awareness of geographical/ physical, social, economic, ecological boundaries of Gujarat. Candidates must be aware of current affairs of state, national and international level together with knowledge of logical and analytical reasoning.
Important: Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement / Notification.

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