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Reliane jio new features LONCHED muat read about it

Reliance Jio has launched a new feature for its customers. By using which users can close their own geo numbers. If you do not want to spend money using Geo SIM after March 31, then you can close this number. This feature is available on the company's official website. In which at a certain time, users can apply for their SIM lock.

As soon as the Geo users visit the website and log on to their account. They will see suspend and resume options. There will also be a SIM daimage and sim-device lost option. This service will also be launched soon for MyEnglish mobile app users. Reliance Jio is the first operator to launch this service. Actually, in case of sim or phone theft or missing, the SIM itself has the facility to shut itself and then start itself. But many companies have preached that when Geo is paid, subscribers can also turn their SIM in the above manner. This information was given to Zoe's management but the company has said nothing about shutting down this feature or alternate service.

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