Read Whatsapp Messages Without The Sender Finding It Out
Whatsapp tricks Read Whatsapp Messages Without The Sender Finding It Out
beginning of Whatsapp
WhatsApp was founded by former Yahoo employees Brian Acton and Jan Koum in 2009 took its name from a play on the phrase "What's Up," according to its website. The founders jokingly described themselves at the website as "two guys who spent combined 20 years doing geeky stuff at Yahoo! Inc." They also devoted themselves to a credo of "No Ads. No Games. No Gimmicks." A note stating just that and signed by Acton remains taped to Koum's desk, according to venture capital firm Sequoia, which invested in the startup early and stands to cash in big time on the Facebook take-over.
▼▼Read Whatsapp Messages Without The Sender Finding It Out...ONLY 3 STEP
☞Turn on the flight mode on your phone.
Read the whatsapp message
☞Now, turn on the flight mode again.
☞No, blue ticks will appear and the sender will not know that you have read his/her whatsapp message.
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Read Whatsapp Messages Without The Sender Finding It Out
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