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PGVCL Vidyut Sahayak (Junior Engineer- Electrical) Merit List (24-12-2016) Declared

PGVCL Vidyut Sahayak (Junior Engineer- Electrical) Merit List (24-12-2016) Declared

Paschim Gujarat Vij Company Limited (PGVCL) has published Merit list for the post of Vidyut Sahayak (Junior Engineer- Electrical) (24-12-2016), In reference to the exam held on 24.12.2016, the merit list for the recruitment to the post of Vidyut Sahayak (Junior Engineer- Electrical) is as under.

The result has been published on PGVCL website on 25.01.2017. The validity of this list will
be of one year from the date of the publication of the result (i.e. up to 24.01.2018).

Mere appearance of name in the list does not confer any right and the actual appointment will
depend upon the availability of vacancies and roster position.

Those reserved category candidates who are in the merit but availed the relaxation in Age / Marks shall be considered against respective reserved category only, as per GoG circular Dtd.29.01.2000 and GUVNL guideline vide No.2909 Dtd.03.02.2016 as per order of Hon’ble High Court in LPA No. 1480/2013.

In case of equal merit, the elder one precedes the younger one.

Exam Date:24/12/2016

Click Here To View Merit List
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