HNGU CCC Exam Candidates List / Hall Ticket 01-04-2017 & 03-04-2017 –
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HNGU CCC Exam Date 01-04-2017 & 03-04-2017 Candidates List
/Hall Ticket Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University has
Published Important Notification of CCC Exam for Govt.Employess. HNGU
conducts CCC exam throughout the state for the Government employees of
Gujarat State.You can download / view HNGU CCC Exam 01-04-2017 & 03-04-2017 Candidates List / Hall Ticket from or below link.
HNGU CCC Exam Candidates List / Hall Ticket 01-04-2017 & 03-04-2017 –
Organization Name: HNGU
Exam Name: CCC
Exam Date: 01-04-2017 & 03-04-2017
HNGU CCC Exam Hall Ticket 2017 : Click Here
HNGU CCC Exam Date 01-04-2017 & 03-04-2017
HNGU CCC Examination Schedule / Hall Ticket Examination 2017
HNGU CCC Exam Hall Ticket : Click Here
Batch No.Examination DateExamination Time Seat No. RangeDownload List14003/04/201710:30 A.M.170200851-170200900Batch-14013901/04/201702:30 P.M
.170200801-170200850Batch-13913801/04/201710:30 A.M
.170200801-170200850Batch-13913801/04/201710:30 A.M
Important: Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement / Notification.
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