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Reliance Industries chairman Mukesh Ambani has made some important announcements, live customers. In particular, they offer Happy New Year (March 31) will now be valid until March 31, 2018. Geo Prime members get the facility. Prime will have to live with for the membership before March 31. Mukesh Ambani brought Rs 99 Geo Prime Membership Plan. Before 31 March 2017 to mobilize the old customers, and will continue to offer the user the opportunity to have time to plan and Happy New Year. After receiving the membership will have to pay Rs 99 to Rs 303 per month.
   Mukesh Ambani was said to be important advertising dyani Geo on Tuesday. He said, "We have a target of 10 million subscribers. In addition, he gave employment to 50 million people claimed. Chairman Mukesh Ambani said, "Live each customer are combined with seven seconds. We give thanks for them all to reach here. It was ranked 150 in the world in the field of Geo brondabrenda before. GB has 100 million people use last month. India is now ranked first in the world to use mobile data. We can use such data only six months we have seen, we have developed countries.
   He said, "We had been working for six years to live. That is why we are already working better than telecom companies. By the end of 2017 will live to reach every district, village, and 99 percent of people in the country. We will always try to make it better. " The Mukesh Ambani said, voice calls to any network across the country, will always be free. Happy New Year, even after offering voice calls will be free, and free nationwide roaming. Geo Prime Members of the New Year offer is available for up to 12 months. New Year offers all the features such as voice, video calling, 4G Free subscription Live Apps are free until March 31, including the Internet. Geo with Geo Prime Membership Program is to mobilize the people in charge once before March 31 will have to pay only 99 rupees.

   Mukesh Ambani's Live services, the five largest ad
   1. Rs 99 for existing customers and offer prime Live
   2. The offer also applies Happy New Year (March 31). Valid until 31 March 2018.
   3. Services will suit all 3030 rupees per month (10 per day).
   4. After March 31, remain free calls to domestic numbers.
   5. Anarolamenta until March 31. My Live App, geo-site registration at the retail store. Important: Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement / Notification.
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